A mere visual difference is not a significant enough distinction to a Gather office template. Allowing the user some sort of customizability in the layout is nice but not good enough to warrant not having the office immediately delivered. We can deliver such an improved experience by providing components that can be layered on top of existing offices. The challenge is to find a balance between pre-built components and allowing for customization.
A relentless focus on employee experience
We can’t win on “setup convenience”, so we have to be extremely good at providing a great in office experience. This might sound like it would not scale but we will build this “experience layer” into existing pre-fabs/components or build components (seasonal, animated backgrounds for example) that can be layered on top of each office.
Furthermore, the bar here is not “high”. Yes, Gather is walking + talking simulator so how can we make walking or talking more “fun”. A few reflections I make about our office:
Gelb religiously re-rolls the big deca art painting on the way to and from stand up
I water my plant and get angry when someone else waters it while I am afk
Greta makes pirate-ship desks and custom Go-Karts, etc.
Ellen has a cat
How much of this can be “built in” to the components? Maybe, if we have different desks, they should all have something special.
Opinionated desks & areas
Instead of empty desks, each desk should have (up to 3?) characteristic/identifying features such as a pet, a plant, re-loadable pictures, pirate stuff, certain color, etc. For bigger offices (~25+) we do themed areas. Each area is the hub for a team or project in the company.
The Google office in Switzerland I visited was designed like this:
Each floor had a different theme (Beach, Alps, Jungle, etc. Reflected in the wallpaper and flooring) with a fitting “quiet room” (A little indoor garden with a hammock on the Jungle floor), “coffee room/ social station”, “call pods” (on the Alps floor these were old gondolas), etc. Different floors were separated by fire poles (that you were not allowed to use as a visitor since your were not insured.
Finding a balance
The tricky thing here will be to monitor at what point there are too many “characteristics” pre-built into a space that people cease to customize it. If you want to help us test this, reach out and we will get you started with a Komponent office.